Peder Severin Kroyer

Peder Severin Kroyer by Geoff Harrison

The artist Vilhelm Hammershoi (see previous post) had a Danish tutor Peder Severin Kroyer who was described as a rumbustious realist who had quite a repertoire.  Anything from rugged industrial scenes to interiors of taverns or beauties strolling the beach.

Kroyer - Steel Forge 1880's

Kroyer - Steel Forge 1880's

Kroyer - In The Store During A Pause From Fishing, 1882

Kroyer - In The Store During A Pause From Fishing, 1882

Kroyer - A luncheon, the artist, his wife and the writer Otto Benzon

Kroyer - A luncheon, the artist, his wife and the writer Otto Benzon