
Why Produce Art? by Geoff Harrison

I often think of the cave paintings of the first Australians and I've wondered what prompted them to produce those images.  It can only be one thing – a desire to tell a story,  and if they had a story to tell thousands of years ago, we have a story to tell today.  I think it's encumbered on all of us to tell that story, if only to ourselves.

If painting is not your thing, then perhaps drawing, printmaking, sculpting, writing, playing a musical instrument, photography, acting or building something simply because it's you.  Something you can do that defines you as a unique individual with your own particular talents that you've had since day one.  And to me, that's what it's all about.

Evelyn Williams (1929-2012) by Geoff Harrison

All Night Through      1984       Painted Relief

All Night Through      1984       Painted Relief

"To be an artist and describe life as you experience it is to be a pioneer, an unstable and perilous position, it’s lonely and fraught with hazards, and self-doubt is the name of the enemy.  My work comes from my life, shaped, nourished, and determined by events, misfortunes, accidental happenings and relationships.   If I could write words or sing songs, there would be need to paint pictures."  EVELYN WILLIAMS