Realist painting

Antonio Lopez Garcia by Geoff Harrison

If there is one type of artist who I have an issue with, it's the serial achiever.  Antonio Lopez Garcia fits that description perfectly.  Born in 1936 in Tomelloso, Spain he is regarded as the most prominent of the Spanish Realists.  He is criticized in some circles for his dry, academic realism but I can still admire his technical ability.

Atocha, 1964, Oil on Wood

Atocha, 1964, Oil on Wood

He is credited with an extremely subtle use of light and a delicate drawing ability.

Sink and Mirror, 1967, Oil on Wood

Sink and Mirror, 1967, Oil on Wood

Perhaps he is following in the footsteps of the great baroque masters of the past.

Portrait Of Maria, 1972, Pencil

Portrait Of Maria, 1972, Pencil

Atocha, 2008, Bronze Installation

Atocha, 2008, Bronze Installation